Give a Gift in Honor of Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Birthday

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a human rights activist and champion of free speech, will celebrate her birthday on November 13. She founded AHA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, to preserve, protect, and promote Western freedoms and ideals. That is why we fight to defend free speech, combat the dangerous ideology of Islamism, and campaign to end FGM, honor violence, and child and forced marriage in the U.S.

Help support Ayaan's work. Give a gift in honor of Ayaan's birthday.


Your support can make a difference for a survivor or a girl at risk:

  • $25 can connect a survivor in crisis to a doctor, a lawyer, or a safe shelter

  • $50 can enable outreach to potential allies to garner their support for legislative and other critical efforts to protect women and girls

  • $100 can provide a counseling session for a survivor

  • $250 can help us amplify the voice of a survivor by sharing their story and supporting their activism

  • $750 can provide online training to counselors, medical staff, and other frontline professionals about how to protect women and girls in crisis

  • $2,500 can enable one of our campus fellows to host an event on campus with a renowned women's rights or free speech champion 

  • $3,000 can sponsor an expert on Islamism to speak at the CLARITy Coalition conference, helping CLARITy to stand up for democratic values

  • $5,000 can support advocacy to legislators in one state to urgently pass laws banning child marriage or female genital mutilation or to strengthen existing laws
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