for children who experience hunger and social exclusion.

Your gift immediately funds daily lunch and school fees for a child in Grades 1 through 7 who would otherwise miss out on education due to material poverty.

  • Daily lunch provides a child with reliable meals--sometimes their only meal of the day--that improve their attendance and performance in school.

  • School supplies support a child's studies with necessary items such as books, desks, pencils, uniforms, and firewood for cooking.

  • Role models offer consistent encouragement and guidance to a child, and serve in especially important roles for children who are single or double orphans.

Your donation will support FaithWorks primary schools as part of Alliance for Children Everywhere's education programs in Lusaka, Zambia. The mission of ACE is to show the love of Jesus by bringing orphaned and vulnerable children into secure families, schools, and communities.

I want to send a child to school!  
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