ALS Researchers: Are you interested in speaking at our 5th Annual ALS Research Symposium about a treatment that your company has in development? Day 2 (November 17th) of our conference is dedicated to hearing from our Industry on important ALS research that is currently underway or recently completed. We will be selecting 10 presentations and those accepted will have 20 minutes to give a non-confidential talk which will include a short Q & A session.  If you are interested in applying, please email your talk title, brief description, and the speaker’s name to Jennifer DiMartino at [email protected] by August 30, 2023 to be considered.  Accepted speakers will have 20 minutes to present, which will include time for Q&A.

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ALS ONE is an unprecedented partnership of ALS researchers, clinicians, and care providers from The Healey Center for ALS at MGH, UMass Medical School, ALS TDI, and Compassionate Care ALS (CCALS), who have united to expedite breakthrough treatments towards a cure for ALS more effectively and efficiently while providing care resources and essential equipment to individuals living with the disease now. ALS ONE is unique for its incorporation of both research and care into its pillars, its leadership in efficiency and dedication to innovative research, and its commitment to increasing access to care, equipment, and treatment.

ALS ONE is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  ALS ONE Inc. |  Learn more at: |  Email us at:  [email protected] 

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