Your contribution to College Settlement’s Campership Fund is the health and wellness that our organization relies on. This Fund makes it possible for a child to stay in a cabin (away from home!) for the first time, pick carrots out of the ground at Pennypack Farm, ride a bike, see deer in the forest, and see the night sky like never before.

Next year, campers will be coming to College Settlement 
for our One-Hundredth Summer. 

We will be celebrating our Centennial…
…and we invite you to be a part of our success starting now.

In addition to contributing to our 2021 Annual Appeal, please consider making a monthly gift.... it’s called a sustaining gift, and it’s an easy way to give in an ongoing way, without having to remember. Just set it up once, and your donation will come to us every month from your account!

By setting up a sustaining gift of any amount, you will be welcomed into our 
and we’ll send you a hand-crafted Tree Ring Society pendant!

Step 1: Enter Gift Information

Gift Information  Contact Information  Confirmation   Payment

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