Christian Michael Sweeney was 26 years old when he passed away from nasopharyngeal cancer. Christian graduated from Lake Havasu High School and Mohave Community College in 2013, simultaneously earning his high school diploma and associate's degree. He received a full-ride scholarship to attend Purdue University in Indiana.  After being diagnosed with Stage IV cancer during his sophomore year of college, he took a leave of absence for treatment.  

Christian’s love of learning was always a motivating factor in his life. Throughout chemotherapy and various treatments, he continued to attend classes at Crafton Hills College. Determined to graduate with his bachelor’s degree, Christian returned to Purdue, continued immunotherapy, and graduated with honors in Nuclear Engineering in 2019. 

As a curious problem solver, Christian loved nuclear engineering and wanted to commit his career to pursuing safe and sustainable forms of energy consumption. After graduation, he worked on the Spent Fuel Team with Dominion Energy in Richmond, Virginia. As a long term goal, he was hoping to apply for Master’s or Ph.D program to be an innovator within hydrogen fuel technology. 

Christian rarely mentioned his illness and was determined to live life to its fullest potential. Despite not knowing how long he had to live, he filled his years with the pursuit of education and intellectual exploration. He deeply wanted to contribute to his field of science and try to make the world a better place. He was curious and adventurous in all ways. Outside of school, he loved reading science fiction and anthropology books, developing his photography and bird watching skills, playing video games with friends, and traveling the world. 

Christian cared deeply about education and believed that the constant thirst of knowledge was a secure route to improvement - for oneself and humanity. 

The Christian Michael Sweeney memorial scholarship is an adept way to honor Christian’s memory by removing financial obstacles for others on their lifelong pursuit of education. 

Christian Sweeney Memorial Scholarship Fund  
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