David Narvaez

Ministry Development Facilitator

David Narvaez serves as the Ministry Development Facilitator for CCI in the USA. David and his wife Hailey, live in Tampa, Florida, where he served as the Youth & Development Pastor at a local church. David is faithful and passionate to teaching God’s word. As a former pastor, he relates to pastors with a focus to help train them and their church leaders with comprehensive training for effective ministry.

As the Ministry Development Facilitator, David is responsible for identifying churches to promote the CCI ministry and to help connect them with areas of interest with CCI. He also visits our CCI partners and makes presentations to update them on the CCI ministry. He works closely with the Ministry Relations Director and Ministry Relations Team to plan promotional conferences, banquets, lunches, desserts, etc. with potential partners.

David will also continue training pastors and church leaders in his church and the Tampa area, as well as domestically and internationally with the CCI team. 

As the Ministry Development Facilitator, he is responsible to seek partners who will prayerfully and financially support his needs for travel (flights, hotels, meals) in the USA and for ministry expenses. Please join with David and support his ministry with CCI. 

Your financial support can make a significant difference for the Kingdom in helping us equip pastors with the training and resources needed for them to effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ and see God’s church grow.

Contact him if you have any questions at [email protected]. Click HERE to start receiving David's newsletter for updates and prayer requests. 

https://s3.amazonaws.com/uploads.webconnex.com/15283%2F1587410774411-120283.jpgTo our Canadian Friends, please Click HERE to donate. 

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