Help Omega Delta Phi in our annual Spring fundraising campaign to benefit CASA of Los Angeles and children in LA County's foster care system. LA County has more foster children than any other county in the country! We can be a part of the solution by partnering with CASA of Los Angeles who recruits, trains and manages CASA volunteers who are paired with children in foster care to advocate for their best interest.

  • Children with CASA volunteers do better in school. They are more likely to pass all courses, are less likely to have poor conduct in school, and are less likely to be expelled.
  • Children with CASA volunteers get more help. They receive more services while in the system and are more likely to have a consistent, responsible adult presence.
  • Children with a CASA volunteer are more likely to find a safe, permanent home. They are more likely to be adopted, half as likely to re-enter foster care, substantially less likely to spend time in long-term foster care, and are more likely to have a plan for permanency.

Donate today and make a difference in a child's life!


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