Hi there!

Thanks for supporting our mission! It's pretty simple: your donations become paychecks for people who are learning how to be good employees and who grow food that you can eat. That's where your money goes.

We are grateful for all forms of donations! But we'd be thrilled with monthly donations. These "set and forget" donations help us plan more effectively for the expenses we have to meet year round as an organization.

Thank-you so much!

The AFLO Team

Donation Information  
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Simply leave "Yes!" checked below to ensure that 100% of your intended donation is available for our mission.
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Privacy Policy
We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a payment through our site, you provide your name, contact information, payment information, and additional information related to your transaction. We use this information to process your payment and to ensure your payment is correctly credited to your account.

Contact Us: A Farm Less Ordinary •• 17281 Simmons Road, Purcellville, VA 20132•• 202-810-3276 •• [email protected]


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