Lighting a fire for Jewish leadership and social justice.

Gilboa is only able to grow and thrive when our entire community comes together and each individual gives what they can. Tuition and community partner support covers approximately 70% of what we need each year to operate a year-around camp experience and we need the Gilboa community’s help to cover the difference. In keeping with the principle of kupa - "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs” - we ask that you give what you can. 

Thank you for supporting Habonim Dror Camp Gilboa! Your gift will directly nurture and support Gilboa’s growing community of young leaders at all stages in their Habonim journey helping them explore identity, build community, and lead change.

Please consider joining Gilboa’s closest circle of friends and donate monthly. Recurring donors, at any monthly amount - $10, $18, $72, $180, $360 - have a huge impact on the work Gilboa does. Or, make a one-time donation and help ensure everyone who wants to come to camp, can come to camp!

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