Courage Connection is committed to ensuring every member of our community has the education, resources, and support to live in safe and healthy relationships.

By making a charitable gift to Courage Connection, a 501(c)3 organization, the donor understands that 
Courage Connection cannot refund charitable donations.  

Thank you so much for your gift!


Donation Information  
Complete the following fields if this gift is a tribute. (optional)  
Contact Information
Credit Card Information
Billing Address
Donation Policy
We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a payment through our site, you provide your name, contact information, payment information, and additional information related to your transaction. We use this information to process your payment and to ensure your payment is correctly credited to your account.
Courage Connection is a 501(c)3 charity. Our FEIN is 37-1346397.
As you have received no goods or services in exchange for your donation, your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. By making a charitable gift to Courage Connection, the donor understands that Courage Connection cannot refund charitable donations.  

Contact Us: Courage Connection •• 1304 E. Main St. Urbana, IL 61802 •• (217) 352-7151 


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