GDAP1 Gene Therapy Research Fund
Supporting Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation

CMT4 (GDAP1) is a rare subtype of CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease), a genetic, neurological disorder that causes damage to the peripheral nerves — tracts of nerve cell fibers that connect the brain and spinal cord to muscles and sensory organs. It is extremely debilitating causing muscles to atrophy with severe weakness resulting in feet, legs, hands and arm deformities, sensory loss and impaired function. 

“The more money we raise, the faster we can get to the clinic,” Allison says excitedly. “Money earmarked for CMT4 can only be used for this mutation. Traditionally, we fundraise through direct gifts and families sponsoring events. COVID slowed us down like everybody else.”

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Contact Us: Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation | PO Box 1922| Midlothian, VA 23113 | 212.860.5405 [email protected] 
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