Campaign to Replace Air Handling Units - Phase 1
Supporting Lithuanian World Center

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Dear Friend of the Lithuanian World Center,

Every year, we work to make the Center a more safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient place, so that the 40+ Lithuanian non-profit organizations living under our roof can continue to grow and thrive. These are the organizations you know and love: Maironis Lithuanian Community School, Blessed J. Matulaitis Mission, Lithuanian Museum of Art, “Dainava” Lithuanian Chorale, and so many more. Five years ago, thanks to donations from people like YOU, we successfully replaced the old boilers at the Lithuanian World Center. Thank you so much for your support! Since then, we have all been enjoying the warmth, especially during the cold winter months in Lemont. This year, we are working on a new capital improvement project and need your help!

We believe in fresh air!

As many of you know, the building we now call the Lithuanian World Center was once the DeAndreis Seminary, which was built in 1964. The system that distributes cold, fresh air throughout the building is over 58 years old and has never been upgraded! After many years of reliable service, our air-handling units are finally starting to break down beyond repair and need to be replaced. If we don’t act fast, the current system may not be able to support optimal levels of air quality for much longer. With a new air-handling system, we will be able to bring in just the right amount of fresh air and keep our members and guests as healthy as possible.

We believe in comfort!

Our current system is no longer powerful enough to quickly and efficiently deliver conditioned air to many areas of the Center, including the Banys Family Hall and Lithuanian Foundation Hall. As a result, many of our guests have rightfully expressed their concern that these areas of the building are becoming too hot for usual activities. With a new air-handling system, we will be able to set the temperature “just right” as needed and keep our members and guests as happy as possible.

We believe in energy efficiency!

Right now, there is one single air-handling unit that delivers conditioned air to the Banys Family Hall, Lithuanian Foundation Hall, classrooms in the main hallway, and multipurpose room downstairs. There is a single switch for all of these areas! Right now, if A/C is needed in the Banys Family Hall, we have no option but to also send conditioned air into the other rooms that are part of this “zone,” even if they are not being used. One part of the upgrade will include splitting up this single large zone into smaller ones that can be monitored and controlled individually, which will result in significant cost savings!

We believe in YOU!

We have been working hard with Lithuanian-owned Regan Heating, Inc., to develop a plan for this upgrade. Now, we need your help! Please consider a donation to the Lithuanian World Center in support of the first phase of this project, valued at $350,000. With your help, we can ensure that our facilities are safe, comfortable, and energy-efficient for all who visit, enjoy, and love the Lithuanian World Center. Thank you in advance for your concern, generosity and support!


Gytis Mikulionis
Director of Facilities

Elena Reklaitis
Executive Director

Dainius Petronis

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 Lithuanian World Center, Inc.   14911 E. 127th Street   Lemont, IL  60439          630.257.8787          [email protected]  
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