Save A Stray 5k
Supporting Midcoast Humane

Midcoast Humane provides medical attention, care, and love to nearly 3.500 pets in a typical year throughout Midcoast Maine and beyond. By signing up for the race and raising funds on our behalf, you can make a difference in the lives of these animals and help ensure that they receive the care and attention they need. So, lace up your running shoes and join the cause!

Thank you for your support!
Top Fundraisers
This is the fundraising page for Midcoast Humane's Save A Stray 5k taking place on Saturday, August 19th, 2023.
Help us reach our goal of $15,000 by fundraising among your family and friends!

Click "Create My Own Fundraising Page" to make a donation page you can personalize and share.

All funds raised will go to the animals of Midcoast Humane!
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Questions about a donation to Midcoast Humane? Please call 207-449-1366 ext 109 or email [email protected].

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