Friends of Poets & Writers

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Please select your membership level.
We encourage you to consider a monthly donation.
Membership Benefits and Fair Market Value Information

Monthly Sustainer ($6/month and up): a subscription to Poets & Writers Magazine as long as your donations continue, plus a classic writer's notebook and a sturdy Poets & Writers tote bag. $45 value the first year, $30 value all future years. We will send you a receipt for tax purposes annually.


Membership Benefits and Fair Market Value Information

Friend ($50): One year of Poets & Writers Magazine (if you already subscribe, we'll add a year to your existing subscription), plus a classic writer's notebook. $30 value, $20 is tax deductible.

Student ($40): One year of Poets & Writers Magazine (if you already subscribe, we'll add a year to your existing subscription). $25 value, $15 is tax deductible.

Contributor ($120): Above, plus, a sturdy Poets & Writers tote bag and early-bird registration for online classes and programming. $45 value, $75 is tax deductible.

Sponsor ($300): Above, plus a book by an author featured in Poets & Writers Magazine and an invitation to the annual Poets & Writers Gala. $50 value, $250 is tax deductible.

Donor ($600): Above, plus a signed copy of the annual Jackson Poetry Prize winner's most recent publication and an invitation to the annual Prize reading. $75 value, $525 is tax deductible.

Patrons Circle ($1,000): Above, plus invitations for you and a guest to attend three author events hosted by Poets & Writers Board members, plus signed books by the featured authors. $305 value, $695 is tax deductible.


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