San Diego Junior Lifeguards Hawaii Day 2024
Supporting Prevent Drowning Foundation of San Diego

Welcome to SDJG's 2024 Hawaii Day fundraising page! 

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1) Select "create my own fundraising page" and enter your name and email address.

2) An email is sent immediately to the address provided that will allow you to personalize your own campaign. 

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Event Dates:

  • First Session: Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Second Session: Friday, July 26, 2024

Event Goal:

  • Objective: The Junior Lifeguards will collectively swim, run, and paddle a total of 2,500 miles to reach Hawaii during the first session. Then, during the second session, they will cover another 2,500 miles to bring us back home to San Diego. 


  • Fun Competition: This event is a beloved annual competition that the Junior Lifeguards eagerly anticipate. It promotes physical fitness, teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment.

  • Hawaii Day: The event also celebrates Hawaii Day, which embodies the Aloha Spirit. This spirit goes beyond a simple greeting or farewell; it signifies mutual regard, respect, and caring for everyone by extending kindness without expecting anything in return.

How to Participate and Support:

  • Junior Lifeguards: Encouraged to actively participate in the swimming, running, and paddling activities to contribute to the overall mileage goal.
  • Community Support: Families, friends, and community members can support the participants by cheering them on, volunteering, or making donations.

Aloha Spirit:

  • Meaning: The Aloha Spirit signifies a deep sense of mutual regard and caring for others, promoting kindness and respect within the community.
  • Application: Throughout the event, participants and supporters are encouraged to embody these values by supporting each other and promoting a positive, inclusive environment.

How You Can Help:

  • Donations: Contributions will help fund resources and equipment for the Junior Lifeguards, ensuring they have everything they need to succeed.
  • Sponsorship: Businesses and organizations can sponsor the event, providing additional support and resources to enhance the experience for the participants.
  • Volunteering: Community members can volunteer to help organize and manage the event, as well as provide encouragement and support to the Junior Lifeguards.

By supporting this event, you are not only helping the Junior Lifeguards achieve their goals but also fostering a community spirit rooted in the values of kindness, respect, and mutual care. 

The Junior Lifeguard Program is funded by the City of San Diego with support from the Prevent Drowning Foundation of San Diego. PDFSD has a goal of teaching every child in San Diego how to swim. They provide scholarships for underserved youth who often don’t get to visit the beach. Join us in giving back to this important cause, or by creating your own fundraising page!

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