Application → Confirmation → Submission  

Spring 2024 CCA Scholarship Form

* Required Fields
Guardian Information
Young Artist Information
Emergency and Medical Information
Application for Tuition Assistance
  Fees are based on a sliding scale. Through the generosity of foundations and private contributors, your family may qualify for free or reduced tuition. All income information provided here is voluntary, optional, and confidential. Full or partial assistance is available based on financial need, according to federal income guidelines. You will be notified if your family qualifies for tuition assistance and of the tuition rate required if applicable. If you wish to apply, please provide the information below.  
  This explains how SOE uses the information you share. You are NOT required to give out your financial information, however, SOE cannot consider your child for free or reduced tuition if you choose not to provide the necessary information. SOE will use your information to determine if your child is eligible for free or reduced tuition art programs. SOE may share your information with education, health, and nutrition programs to help evaluate, fund, or determine benefits for their programs, auditors for program reviews, funders, and law enforcement officials to help look into violations of program rules.  
Agreements and Waivers
  Seats in Space One Eleven's classes for children and youth are limited. I understand that completion of this application does not guarantee enrollment in the class until verified by Space One Eleven staff.  
  I understand that it is my responsibility to provide transportation for my child to and from SOE during those times posted for Spring 2023. I also understand that my child may be dropped off as early as 15 minutes before class starts which will begin promptly at its specified time. I agree to pick up my child when class concludes at the scheduled time. I also understand that it is my responsibility to make arrangements to pick up my child from studio classes in the event that they are sick or disruptive. Sick children will not be allowed to remain at SOE. If a youth is disruptive and asked to leave, they will be allowed to return the following class day as long as they understand that they must practice good behavior. I also understand that the telephones at SOE are for business purposes only and that my child will not call unless it is an emergency. All cell phones and gaming devices will be set aside by the youth upon entering SOE until class ends each day.  
  I understand that my child and I will follow the COVID-19 policies and procedures put in place by Space One Eleven when attending classes in person. These policies and procedures can be found on Space One Eleven's website under Covid-19 policies. I understand that these policies and procedures may change as Space One Eleven continues to monitor Covid-19.  
  I understand that any artworks produced by my child in any of SOE's art programs will be disposed of if not collected within 30 days of the end of the program.  
  I hereby consent to allow my child to be photographed, videotaped, audio taped, and/or interviewed by the news media during the City Center Art program. Further, I understand that the photograph, videotape, audiotape, or interview transcript may be posted online and/or may be used for publicity purposes in the future. I agree to release and hold harmless SOE, its members, officials, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, complaints, suits, or other forms of liability that shall arise out of, or by reason of, or be caused by, the use of the image of my child on television, radio, in motion pictures, or in print.  
  By entering my name below, I certify that all information on this application is true and that all income is reported. I understand that if I purposely provide false information, my child may lose all program benefits.  

©2024 SofterWare, Inc. v.2024.01-C