Heath and Hygiene Help for Residents

New residents at M Street Navigation Center come here with big needs after months or even years without a home. Hygiene is one of those needs. A hot shower is a start to improving the health of our residents. But they also need self-care tools they didn’t had access to before they arrived at the facility. M Street needs your help as we collect common hygiene items for these men and women.

Your simple donation can help the Navigation center provide each of our residents with shampoo, socks, deodorant and other personal care products.

Between 140 and 150 men and women reside at the M St. shelter, learning to move past life barriers including low job skills, mental health issues and addiction into housing and employment. Your donation will provide a major boost forward on their journey.

Thank you in advance for your generosity. Please contact Mari at [email protected] or call 661-501-2604 with any questions. Donations of personal heath and hygiene items may also be dropped off at the shelter at 2900 M Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301. 

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