Women United™ is an inclusive and vibrant global community of change makers bound together by a powerful sense of belonging — to one another, to their community and to the mission of transforming the lives of women and their families. 

Your gift will help ensure that women, those who identify as women and children in Peterborough City and County have access to the social supports they need, when they need it most. Make your pledge below to join local leaders and allies who are driving social change through philanthropy, education and advocacy.

* Make a one time gift by filling in the "Other" option below, selecting the "One time gift" button and filling in the giving level of your choice.

* To make your donation in monthly installments, select the monthly option of your choice and then select the "Recurring gift" button.

Leadership Challenge Grant -  Double your impact for women locally!

New leadership level gifts or pledges made to United Way Peterborough of $1,200 or more, before March 31, 2023, will have 100% of their gift matched. Existing leadership level gifts that are increased by $300 or more will also have the increase matched.

Have a question? Contact Anne Ondercin, Director of Philanthropy [email protected] 

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