Climate Resilient Land Management (CRLM)

 CRLM is a work plan for the long-term health and resiliency of the Institute’s natural areas in response to the threats posed by climate change. There is ample evidence linking carbon preservation in trees, plant matter, and soil to ecosystem health, but that is only one aspect of a healthy ecosystem. Building biodiversity, along with carbon sequestration, is critical for the long-term health and resiliency of our natural areas. In recent times, emerging land management practices have been found to better enhance natural areas' resiliency to climatic changes and ability to maintain biodiversity. However, many of these practices involve the expansion of current and existing efforts that are already overextended and underfunded. 

Climate change is real, and sustainable ways to address it have become a top imperative for the Institute for many reasons: 1) To highlight the challenging effects of climate change on our local natural environment; 2) To provide the knowledge and tools for others to protect their piece of nature, big or small; and 3) To invest in educational efforts to benefit future generations.

Your CRLM donation demonstrates your dedication to fostering a healthier and more resilient future for our community. It represents an investment in hands-on learning and the necessary educational programs to increase our impact. By supporting CRLM, you are actively embracing the role of a change agent in our community.

To understand your impact, CRLM donors and sponsors will receive an annual environmental report outlining advancements in key metrics. If you are interested in becoming a CRLM sponsor, please contact us at [email protected] or 269-721-4190 for more information. Together, we will create a healthier, more resilient future! 

**The Willard G. Pierce and Jessie M. Pierce Foundation, which operates Pierce Cedar Creek Institute, is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit, private operating foundation. Your donation is tax-deductible contributions to the fullest extent provided by law.

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