Step 1: Select Registration Options

Registration Options  Contact Information  Confirmation   Payment

Vendor spots are only open to those who sell crafts and food. All other businesses are able to participate as a sponsor.

Craft and food vendors should read the following information before registering:

  • There will be no refund of your registration fee. Also, subletting of space is not allowed. The individual or organization reserving the space must be present. Registration fee includes permit fee.
  • Each craft vendor space is approximately 15'x10'. Ample space provided for each food truck. All spaces are outdoors. Vendors must supply their own equipment. There is no access to electricity and a strong WiFi connection is not guaranteed.
  • Kid craft vendor spaces are reserved for ages 14 and under.
  • Only one direct sales vendor per company is allowed in the craft vendor area. Efforts will be made to not duplicate food vendors.
  • Vendors selling in the state of PA are responsible for collecting sales tax for the state of PA, regardless of your home state. You must provide your PA sales tax number with registration due to state law.
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