At VOKRA, we strongly believe that every cat deserves a safe and happy life, regardless of any challenges they may face. Some of the cats in our care have health or behavioral issues that make them unsuitable for adoption. As a no-kill organization, we make sure that these cats in our care is given a loving foster home for the rest of their lives. We never euthanize any cat unless they are suffering.

Our long-term care cats require close monitoring and daily training, but we are confident that they can have a loving future ahead of them, even if they remain in foster care. Our dedicated volunteers are committed to providing the care and attention these cats need to thrive.

However, providing for these cats requires resources and funding. We rely on the generosity of individuals like you to help us deliver the best possible care for our 40+ long-term residents.

Your support means everything to us and makes it possible for us to provide a loving home for our long-term care cats. Thank you for your kindness and compassion towards our feline friends.

I'd like to sponsor VOKRA's long-term care cats!  
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