In partnership with local social services, the Noori family is making inroads to further their education and career goals – right here, with so much uncertainty, and over 7,500 miles away from their family, friends and homeland! 

Nabi, who speaks fluent English, is working on campus to make ends meet and has hopes to one day be a pilot again. The younger two children have settled into daycare and elementary school. Halima and Hamid are enrolled here at Menaul and already thriving with their new friends. 

The older family members have signed up for an English as a Secondary Language program – the most essential building block to their future. We are all praying that they receive full funding for the class. At about $12,000, the cost of tuition, books and supplies for English language lessons through CELAC (Center for English Language and Culture) is beyond the scope of the Noori’s ability to pay. 

It’s too much for any one of us to take on alone. 

That’s why we’re asking you to pitch in what you can, today. With your gift and the gifts from each one of us in our greater Menaul community, the Noori’s can reach their educational goals, and assimilate fully into their new country. Here’s what your gift can do: 

$500 – Books and supplies for three family members; or two weeks of tuition

$250 – One week of CELAC tuition for one family member 

$50 – One Day of CELAC tuition

$25 – One half day of CELAC tuition

Thank you for your continued prayers for the Noori family, and for your generous gifts of support. 

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25: 31-40

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301 Menaul Blvd NE  |  Albuquerque, NM 87107  |  505-345-7727  |

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