Private Sponsorship Donation Page

Thank you for sponsoring refugees through an ICA Constituent Group. Please select the 
Constituent Group number in the drop down menu below. If you do not have a specific refugee family 
you want to support but still want to make a sponsorship donation, please select the Private 
Sponsorship of Refugees option in the drop down menu. 

To donate to a specific group, use the drop-down menu below.

All funds raised in excess of the budget for a specific sponsorship will be allocated by ICA to the sponsorship of other refugees.

Thank you!

Contact Information
Cover the gift processing costs to ensure 100% of your gift goes to the refugee group you selected. Thank you!
Thank you for helping ICA Cover Credit Card Processing Costs. Leave "Yes!" checked below to ensure that 100% of your donation is available for the refugee(s) you are supporting. If you don’t want to cover the gift processing fee, ICA will deduct 2.5% from the amount you donate to cover these costs.
Credit Card Information
Billing Address

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