Men in Recovery Retreat
May 5th - 7th, 2023
check in time is 5:00 p.m.

A weekend of conversation, quiet, and recovery for people in 12 step recovery. Newcomers and "old timers" are most welcome!
These retreat programs are open to all without regard to religious affiliation. We are a community seeking and practicing sobriety in all the affairs of our lives.

 Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center
 6520 Van Maren Lane
 Citrus Heights, CA  95621
 Contact: (916) 725-4720 x307 or
 Email Kathy Smith at 

Single Occupancy $250
  # of participants 
x =

Double Occupancy $235
  # of participants 
x =

Would you like to make an additional donation in support of this holy place?

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