Meet Juneau, a beautiful 4-year-old brown tabby who has been a cherished member of the VOKRA family since 2019. Having been rescued as a feral kitten, Juneau had a slow start to life, and her trust in humans was deeply affected by her early experiences. Despite this, Juneau has shown incredible resilience and continues to make progress in her journey to acclimatise to human interaction.

Poor Juneau sure had a tough time finding the right forever home before we decided she was best suited for long-term care with VOKRA. She was rescued from an abusive home after finding out that she had sustained some injuries, including having her whiskers cut off, a large wound on her side, and bleeding gums. Fortunately, Juneau's current foster home provides her with the love and patience she needs to thrive. She is a sweet and shy cat who enjoys playtime and treats, and her foster family is committed to keeping her happy and healthy.

Due to her history and ongoing shyness, Juneau is not available for adoption, however, she deserves all the love and care in the world. We kindly request your help in sponsoring Juneau, so we can continue to support her in her long-term foster home. By sponsoring Juneau, you'll be contributing to her ongoing care, including medical expenses and food, and helping to provide her with the safe and loving home she deserves. Thank you for your support!

As with all of our sponsors cats, donations will go directly towards the medical and care costs of the cat you have chosen to sponsor. If their medical costs and cost of care are less than is raised in her name, additional funds will provide care for other cats in need.

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