Support a Specific Iliff Student

Your generosity serves as a vote of confidence in the student you are supporting, and they will continue to benefit from Iliff’s rigorous academic programs, have opportunities to train as a forward-thinker, work to build stronger communities, and act with integrity as a leader. Thank you!

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Internal Revenue Service Policy
This contribution to support is not tax deductible under IRC 170 code of the Internal Revenue Service, because even though it has been made to a qualifying organization, the amount is earmarked for an individual to directly benefit from the gift.  

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We take precautions to protect your information. We collect credit card or bank account information, names, addresses, and other data related to your transaction when you make a payment through our site. We use this information to process your payment.

By submitting your payment, you authorize us to charge the account above for the amount specified in the Transaction Amount field. Account information for Recurring Pledges/Monthly Giving is encrypted and stored securely via SafeSave™ for automatic processing of your future payments. Notify us at anytime if you wish to discontinue your pledge.

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