Become a Deschutes Historical Museum Sustaining Member!
Sustaining memberships provide us with a dependable source of funds to preserve, promote, and celebrate Deschutes history.
Monthly gifts will be processed around the 15th of each month. 

Monthly Giving  
Contact Information
Credit Card Information
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For your recurring pledge, the account information provided above
will be stored securely via SafeSave™ for automatic processing of your future payments.
Simply notify us at anytime if you wish to discontinue your pledge.

Privacy Policy
We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a payment through our site, you provide your name, contact information, payment information, and additional information related to your transaction. We use this information to process your payment and to ensure your payment is correctly credited to your account.

Contact Us: Deschutes County Historical Society •• 129 NW Idaho Ave, Bend, OR  97703 •• (541) 389-1813 •• [email protected]
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