The Tennessee Center for Employee Ownership Donation Form


and help us turn the state of Tennessee into a place where every working person can be an employee-owner!

The TNCEO is a proud member of the Employee Ownership Expansion Network (EOX). EOX a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization acting as the Fiscal Sponsor for the TNCEO while we await approval of our own 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. We rely on the support of companies and individuals like you who believe in the power of employee ownership. Our mission is to provide 1-on-1 expert support to business owners - FREE OF CHARGE - and guide them along the EO journey. Your contribution helps us expand access to our expert support hub in hopes of bringing employee ownership to more of our communities.

Due to fraud prevention settings within this payment portal, all donations must be $5.00 or more to complete the transaction.

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