Since March of 2020, UCC has served over 4,000 families through our food pantries, over 2,000 families through the monthly Wesley Mobile Food Pantry, and beginning in the fall over 15,000 sack lunches to children in the Ash Crescent community. It was also through donations and collaborations that we were able to provide over 800 Thanksgiving meals to families. 2020 donor support has also allowed the agency to provide literacy intervention to over 150 children throughout the summer and fall months. Please consider a gift this holiday season to support the children and families that find stability through our organization. Small acts change lives.

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Donation Information
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Complete the following fields if this gift is a tribute. (optional)  
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  Tribute Name 
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  Address 2 
  Zip/Postal Code 

Contact Information
* First Name 
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Payment Information
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Credit Card Information
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Billing Address
  Same As Above 
* Address 
* Zip/Postal Code 

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