Yes! I want to make a secure online donation to UCP so that people with disabilities can enjoy a life without limits.

      With your gift, UCP will:

      • Help parents fight for their child's right to quality education.
      • Advise families on making modifications to their home or vehicles.
      • Offer music, art, sports, and other activities to teens and adults with disabilities.
      • Support families caring for a loved one with a disability in their home.
Gift Information
Your gift can be a general contribution or directed to a family support fund. These individual funds have been established and grow with every donation. See UCP Family Support Fund

  My gift supports: 
If you selected "Family Support Fund" please select one from the following funds:  

Tribute Donation Information
Complete the following fields if this gift is a tribute. (optional)  
  Type of Tribute 
  First Name 
  Last Name 
  Designee Name/Occasion 
Complete the section below if you would like to notify someone of your gift.
  Notify First 
  Notify Last Name 
  Notify Address 
  Notify City 
  Notify State 
  Notify Zip 
  Notify Country 
Enter the exact name the Gift Acknowledgement should come from.
(Example: The Smith Family)   

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