Invest in Girl Scouts. Change the World.

Your support of Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida gives girls a space to lead, thrive, and make the world a better place. Because when girls are given opportunities to grow and develop their potential, they change the world! 

You will receive an email confirmation of your donation upon successful submission.

If you would like to make a Cookies for the Military donation, please click here.

Your donation, no matter how big or small, can truly make an impact.

Thank you for your donation to Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida!

* Required Fields
Donation Information
  Please select one: 
  Type of Donation 
  If you would like to designate your gift to go to a specific purpose, please add that information here: 

Contact Information
* First Name 
* Last Name 
  Company Name 
* Address 
  Address 2 
* City 
* State/Province 
* Zip/Postal Code 
  Home Phone 
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  Work Phone 
* Email 

Help Us Cover Costs
Simply leave "Yes!" checked below to ensure that 100% of your intended donation is available for our mission.

Credit Card Information
  Card Holder Name 
  Card Account Number 
  Expiration Date 
* Security Code  
Billing Address
  Same As Above 
* Address 
* Zip/Postal Code 

Complete the following fields if this gift is in memory or in honor of another: (optional)  
  Type of Tribute 
  Tribute Name   Title 
  Address   City 
  State   Zip Code 

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